Mitchell A Sullivan ESA-SRB 2023 in conjunction with ENSA

Mitchell A Sullivan

Dr Mitchell Sullivan is an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow who focuses on the role of glycogen, our “glucose batteries”, in metabolic diseases such as diabetes. He has helped develop techniques to investigate the relationship between glycogen structure and function, helping discover that diabetic liver glycogen is molecularly fragile. Mitchell has also researched the role of glycogen in nervous system disorders such as Lafora Disease and is currently focusing on the link between diabetes and kidney disease. In addition to glycogen metabolism, Mitchell is interested in understanding role of early mitochondrial dysfunction in the development of diabetic kidney disease, with a recent emphasis on how Sars-CoV-2 infection can exacerbate underlying vulnerabilities. In addition to performing research, Mitchell is dedicated to supporting the next generation of young scientists as well as engaging with the community, advocating for the importance of biomedical research in increasing our quality of life.

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